
How to clear the Ecwid plugin cache

If your store is showing disabled products, you may need to clear the plugin cache on your WordPress site.

Here’s how;

Add this parameter ?ec-clear-all-cache after the link to the store in your browser like this https://sitename.site.strattic.io/store/?ec-clear-all-cache. Reload your store and the disabled products should not display.

Should that not work, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the WordPress admin

  2. Enter this: _**admin.php?page=ec-params **_ at the end of the URL bar

  3. Click “Enter”

  4. Scroll down > Click ”Clear all caches”

  5. Сhange setting “_**ecwid_static_home_page_enabled**_” to **_N_** = not enabled. It will disable the Static Home page option.

  6. Find the option **_ecwid_ajax_defer_rendering_** and set the option to **off**

  7. Click “Save”

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